Channel: Shubhsandesh Tv
Category: Education
Tags: shubhsandesh tvresurrection day videoresurrection day of jesus christresurrection daythe resurrection of jesus christthe lord is risenwhat the resurrection of jesus means to usrev. paul pragasamevidence for the resurrectionwhy is the resurrection of jesus christ importantthe day of resurrectionresurrection of jesusthe resurrection of jesus of nazarethhistory of jesusthe importance of resurrection day in our lifethe resurrection power of jesus christ
Description: The resurrection culminates the passion narrative in all four Gospels because it is at the center of redemption itself. Without it, one can only pity Jesus as a dead martyr whose lofty ideals were sadly misunderstood. With it, one must stand in awe of the exalted Messiah, the Son of the living God, who gave His life as a ransom for many, who presently reigns at God’s right hand, and who will one day return in glory to fix this broken world. The resurrection amounts to the Father’s clear signal that Jesus is the powerful Son of God who has conquered demise and reigns as Lord of all (Romans 1:4; 4:25). Subscribe and Share the Goodnews! Follow us on the following Shubhsandesh TV Social Media Streams: Whatsapp: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook: Twitter: Prayer Request: Whatsapp: For Prayer Call: +91 95507 96006 +91 97053 21189 #cross #revpaulpragasam #shubhsandeshtv